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Medical achievements


In a new step confirming the leadership of the National Life Hospital in Jazzan in providing the latest medical techniques, the medical team led by Dr. Mohamed Bakry, facial surgery consultant, was successful

trp-post-container data-trp-post-id=14464> improving the quality of medical services in the health sector: national life hospitals participate in nursing day

National life hospitals are a pioneer in improving the quality of medical services in the Kingdom and strive to achieve the 2030 vision of the health sector. In its ongoing efforts

for the first time in the private sector (use of dynamic suction tech at the national life hospital – riyadh ()

التشخيص و العلاج حضر المريض الذي يبلغ من العمر 88 عاما الى قسم الطوارى بمستشفى الحياة الوطني – الرياض يعاني من جلطات ممتدة بالطرف

في إنجاز طبي بارز، نجح فريق جراحة المخ والأعصاب في مستشفى الحياة الوطني بالرياض في إجراء عملية جراحية بالمنظار في بطينات المخ لأحد المرضى

partnership between national life hospitals and “gee helth kere” to equip group hospitals with advanced diagnostic imaging techniques

On the margins of the participation of the National Life Hospitals Group at the World Health Forum 2024, the National Life Hospitals Group signed a strategic partnership with JE Helth

trp-post-container data-trp-post-id=4531> sign a memorandum of understanding between king khalid university and national life hospitals, reflecting strategic cooperation in support of kingdom vision 2030

The University of King Khalid, represented by the Faculty of Medicine, signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Life Hospitals, under the auspices of the President of the King Khalid University of Charge, Professor Dr. Saad Bin